Xtreme Typo Generator is a software that generates the keywords which are mistyped or misspelled. About 20% of all searches contain keyword mispellings, and there are those which are more common. Webmasters can take advantage of these misspellings to use in his or her own website by adding them to the website’s keyword list. Having these misspelled keywords would actually raise the traffic and popularity of the website.
- Create a list of thousands of mispelled keywords in just a few clicks.
- Up to 6 options for you to choose from on how to you want the keywords to be misspelled.
- Add your own keyword list in the software for more flexibility.
- Export in TXT file for easy reference later.
- Adwords keyword wrapper feature to easily prepare your adword campaign.
- Organize keywords in broad, exact, phrase, lowercase and negative case.
- Saves you a ton of time, effort and spare you from spending thousands of dollars in competing for expensive keywords in the search engines